Collapse Statistics
241 human active and 13 inactive phosphatases in total;
194 phosphatases have substrate data;
336 protein substrates;
83 non-protein substrates;
1215 dephosphorylation interactions;
299 KEGG pathways;
876 Reactome pathways;
last update: 11 Mar, 2019




Gene Name PAK2 (QuickGO)
Interactive visualization of PAK2 structures
(A quick tutorial to explore the interctive visulaization)

Representative structure: 3PCS

Protein NamePAK2
Alternative Name(s)
Serine/threonine-protein kinase PAK 2;;Gamma-PAK;PAK65;S6/H4 kinase;p21-activated kinase 2;PAK-2;p58;PAK-2p27;p27;PAK-2p34;p34;C-t-PAK2;
Protein FamilyBelongs to the protein kinase superfamily STE Ser/Thrprotein kinase family STE20 subfamily
EntrezGene ID5062   (Comparitive Toxicogenomics)
UniProt AC (Human)Q13177 (protein sequence)
Enzyme Class2.7.11.1 (BRENDA )
Molecular Weight58043 Dalton
Protein Length524 amino acids (AA)
Genome Browsers NCBI | ENSG00000180370 (Ensembl) | UCSC | 1000 Genomes
Crosslinking annotations Query our ID-mapping table
Orthologues Quest For Orthologues (QFO) | GeneTree | eggNOG - KOG0578 | eggNOG - ENOG410XP4K
Phosphorylation Network Visualize
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Localization, Function, Catalytic activity and Sequence(show / hide)
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Gene Ontology (P: Process; F: Function and C: Component terms)(show / hide)
